New York City Eviction Attorney

The Law Offices of Andrew J. Spinnell, LLC is committed to providing top-notch legal counsel on nonpayment evictions in Bronx and Queens, two of the most populous boroughs in New York City. Our legal team has handled numerous cases involving nonpayment evictions and has helped many landlords to obtain Money Judgments, Judgments of Possession, and Warrants while guiding them on the legal processes and procedures to follow.

Nonpayment evictions in Bronx and Queens are a common legal issue that most landlords face. This is because New York City’s rental market is highly competitive, and many tenants strive to secure affordable housing in these boroughs. Unfortunately, some tenants do not honor their obligations of the lease agreement, leading to a nonpayment eviction.

What is Nonpayment Eviction?

Nonpayment eviction is a legal process that landlords initiate to remove tenants who have defaulted on rent payments. Under New York law, buying or renting a property creates a contract between landlords and tenants. This agreement dictates that tenants will pay rent and abide by other terms and conditions of the lease agreement, while the landlord will provide the tenant with essential services and habitable housing.

When a tenant fails to pay rent, landlords have the legal right to evict them through a nonpayment eviction lawsuit. The primary goal of this legal process is to help landlords recover their lost rental income. This legal route also provides tenants with an opportunity to contest the eviction if they believe the landlord has violated their rights in any way.

The Nonpayment Eviction Process in Bronx and Queens

Before initiating a nonpayment eviction lawsuit in Bronx and Queens, landlords must serve tenants with a rent demand notice. This notice must clearly state the amount the tenant owes the landlord in rent and the deadline for payment.

If the tenant fails to pay up, landlords can move forward with the nonpayment eviction lawsuit in court. During this legal process, landlords must follow due process and provide tenants with a notice of petition and petition, detailing the reasons for the eviction. The tenant can then respond by filing an answer, which outlines their defenses against the eviction.

If the tenant fails to respond to the respond to the notice of petition and petition, landlords can apply for a default judgment. Once the court awards the default judgment to the landlord, the marshal will post a notice of eviction on the tenant’s door. This notice gives the tenant a 72-hour notice to vacate the premises or face eviction.

How We Can Help

At The Law Offices of Andrew J. Spinnell, LLC, we understand that nonpayment evictions can be a complicated legal process. We also know that landlords have invested a lot of time and money into their properties, and a nonpayment eviction is a proper means to recover the rent they are entitled to. That’s why we are here to help landlords navigate the legal process confidently and efficiently.

We are skilled with vast experience in handling nonpayment eviction cases in Bronx and Queens. We understand that every eviction case is different, and we work closely with each of our clients to understand the specifics of their case.

We help landlords to understand their rights, legal obligations, and the tenant’s rights. We also guide our clients on how to provide proof of nonpayment through rent demand notices and detailed rent payment records.

We understand that landlords often have to deal with other aspects of running their properties, such as maintenance, repairs, and marketing. That’s why we take the burden of the legal process off their shoulders. We handle the paperwork, attend court sessions, and communicate with relevant parties, such as the tenants and court officials, on behalf of our clients.


Nonpayment evictions in Bronx and Queens can be complex legal issues that require professional and expert guidance. If you are a landlord in either of these boroughs and need help in handling a nonpayment eviction, give The Law Offices of Andrew J. Spinnell, LLC. We attorneys have vast experience in handling nonpayment eviction cases in New York City and beyond. We are here to help you navigate the legal process successfully so that you can retain your property and peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.